
5 results found for "Open Wounds" books

book by Joseph Lunievicz (view book)
This book was a sad, but exciting, coming-of-age book that kept my interest until the very end, as well as after I had finished it. It dealt with many different issues such as World War II, culture differences, poverty, and drug reliance in a manner more
Genres: Historical Fiction
Ages: 12 and up
by Joseph Lunievicz
Cid Wymann, a scrappy kid fighting to survive a harsh upbringing in Queens, NY, is a almost a prisoner in his own home. His only escape is sneaking to Times Square to see Errol Flynn movies full of swordplay and duels. He s determined to become a more
Genres: Historical Fiction
Ages: 12 and up
by Cassandra Crull
Kat is living an ordinary life as a wife and mom when a piece of her past suddenly appears in her hallway as a ghost, remembering nothing of what happened. A boy she never thought she’d see again is suddenly thrust into her present world more
Genres: Fiction, Paranormal, Romance
Ages: Mature Young Adult
book by Kathleen Jeffrie Johnson (view book)
Kathleen Jeffrie Johnson uses the element of suspense to keep her readers turning the pages. They seek the truth. You can feel the air under Emmet's wings in Niki's story, and you want it to be true. Her story gives a reason as to why more
Genres: Adventure, Mystery
Ages: 12 and up
Ugo and Jack is a wonderful book in which the material and spiritual dimensions are intertwined, but in fact they always go hand in hand. I was able to completely move into the world of the book, and it made me feel as special as more
Genres: Series
Ages: 8 - 12