
3 results found for "Abhorsen" books

book by Garth Nix (view book)
"Abhorsen" is the last book in the trilogy that began with "Sabriel." I thought that "Lirael" was better than "Sabriel" after I had read both, but now that I have read "Abhorsen," I have decided that more
Genres: Fiction
Ages: 12 and up
by Garth Nix
The Abhorsen Sabriel and King Touchstone are missing, leaving only Lirael -- newly come into her inheritance as the Abhorsen-in-Waiting -- to stop the Destroyer. If Orannis's un-speakable powers are unleashed, it will mean the end of all Life. With more
Genres: Fiction
Ages: 12 and up
book by Garth Nix (view book)
I have read almost ever Garth Nix book printed, and still he amazes me. When I thought the story of The Aborsen Trilogy was wrapped up, he delves into it again. When I thought all Arthurian mythos was the same story regurgitated over and over again, more
Genres: Fantasy, Fiction
Ages: 12 and up