When you have school, sports activities, youth group, and family you can be stressed. Deborah Reber talks you through it with her book, Chill. There are tips on organization, time management, and journaling. There are real letters from real people struggling like you. There are also quizzes to help you through the tough times. Chill is a very informative book for everyone out there who is stressed and doesn’t know what to do.This book was no help to me because I’m not stressed, but this information could be helpful in the near future. Even though I am not stressed, this book was enjoyable to read because I got to see what other people are feeling. I like that Reber has quizzes and letters from real people to help you through your most stressful times. After reading this book, I think you will have time for yourself, your family, your school work and anything else you are interested in. Reber did a good job of organizing the book, so that it is easy to find out what you need to know.
Reviewer Age:11
Reviewer City, State and Country: Oakmont, Pennsylvania, United States
Rating: 8
Content Rating: 1
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